Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 7:44 AM

Subject: Gruyeres and fribourg

This is just a pretty view of Fribourg...

So is this...

This too...

And here...

This is a neat thing in Fribourg...the old "walls" still have the pits in them where beams were places to make buildings or bridges.  These could be as old as the 1100's.

Here is the entrance to the castle in Gruyeres!

A pretty view from the castle garden.

The view of the castle from the garden.

Another pretty view from the garden.

Um...Mom's puzzle that was really hard to put together.

One of the castle towers and the mountains, from the garden again.  :-)

Dad's favorite display in the Hunting Room of the castle...

One of the stained-glass windows in the castle.

Another one.

One of the painted walls in the dining room of the castle.

One of the paintings in one of the castle galleries.  (I took this one for you, grandma.  :-)

A hunting scene painted on the inside wall of the castle's main courtyard.

A battle scene painted next to the hunting scene.  I don't know how old these are, but they look pretty old!

A view of the Grueyres church and mountains all misty.  Taken from the wall of the castle.

The inside garden courtyard, taken from the inside wall.  Preeety!

The towers and mountains, taken from the main area of the main wall.

Another view from the garden.  :-)

That's all for now!  I'm sure there will be more when we get back from Prague!