This is the top of the trail. Looking back down through
where the trail pops out of that notch. |
Here is the sight looking out at the end of the trail.
The ridge drops off right there. The top of the rock is
to the left up a short scramble on hands and feet to get
there. |

This looks northwest from the top. A few antennas are
visible on the right. The valley looks toward Red
Feather. |

There it is! The top of the rock. Just a few feet more to
go. |

You can see the town of Loveland off in the distance on
the left side. |
The bustling town of Fort Collins looking east from the
top of the rock. |

The town has really grown since I have been here. |
That ridge on the left in the distance is called The
Devils Backbone by the locals. |
The town of Loveland. |
It was really windy up here. I found a place to set the
camera and took a couple of self portraits. |

I set down the camera, pushed the timer and then ran
around quickly to get in the picture. |
At arms length. I hiked the hill solo today and wanted to
share the experience with you. I hope you enjoyed the
hike with me. |