Bob is IFR about to poof into the overcast above. |

We are in the clouds now. Nothing to see out the window.
Just the tires handging out in the wind. |
We have just now popped out on top of the cloud
deck. |
Longs Peak is visible to the west. |
Brian's first time flying in the clouds. |
Drizzle below but nothing but sunshine and clear skies
above. Visibility is at least 140 miles. |
Oh no! All of those nice clouds are getting thin. |
Another view of Long's Peak in the background. It is
really turning into a pretty day. |
There are still some clouds left down there. |
This one in particular is right in our path. |

We are definitely going to poof into this cloud.
Fun! |

No more clouds. On final approach to Jefferson County
Airport. |

Just practicing a missed approach. That airplane is a
DC-4 slurry bomber to fight fires. |
Looking right down on the top of water world. |

Final approach to Jeffco. A practice ILS approach. Sad
that the clouds went away. |

Since there are no clouds Bob is flying with foggles,
view limiting devices, to simulate IMC conditions. |
Brian has been safetying for me. But now homebound VFR
Brian is always happy to fly. |

George came along for the ride. He was a good altitude
alarm for me. Whenever I started to diverge from my
assigned altitude George would nudge me which was
great. |

When flying IFR this is your view of the world. We are
VFR at this moment at 6000 feet and 5 minutes past the
Collin NDB. I still have my approach sticky on teh tach.
MDA 5520 feet, missed approach point is 3m16s after
FN. |

There is the home airport. Fort Collins Downtown 3V5.
Can't see it? Many people learning to fly also say
that. |
There is a local pilot's landmark. Fly over that to enter
the pattern. |

Just about to cross I-25 westbound. |

On the 45 degree entry for left hand traffic runway 11 at
Fort Collins Downtown. |

Hey there is a runway there. Brian is still flying and
has turned us for left downwind. We are about to turn
left to base and final. I had better put the camera away
and land. |