Big CAP emblem on the tail. |

They just got things tied down as the non-forecast wind
approachs, and everyone is double checking
everything. |

I just missed what it said a moment ago when I started to
take the picture. It had said 30G50! Regardless, you can
see the Gust to 50 knots (55 mph), it is really blowing
out there. |

Waiting for the storm cell to move on. |

A nice panel. |

I wish my panel were as nice. |

Ken is checking the fuel but still keeping an eye on the
weather. |

Sue is working the preflight. |


4 fuel tanks to check... |

So this is a Maule. |

Checking the oil... |


Wow! The entire right side is nothing but open doors.
Easy to get in and out. But it is still rather small
inside. |

Hmm... Something looks really strange here around the tow
hook. Isn't something missing here? |

Ah, yes, a tailwheel. It should look like this one. |

The Maule was meant to have wheels like this. |

What are those funny bumps on the bottom? The Direction
Finding gear for seach & rescue is the ugly round
thing hanging down between the main wheels. |

The weather is good to go now and Ken and Sue are about
to launch. |
