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Big jets taxi by | Diamond TwinStar? next to a Caravan? | Beautiful planes in this hangar. |
9MNCU, pretty C172 Bob and Raj will be flying. | Bob | Raj | Crop duster and an RV |
Love the logo of Air Adventure Flying Club | Sebastian does a careful pre-flight | Andreas and Bob launching in the C172. |
Awesome view of Petronas Twin Towers. | Raj takes gorgeous photos. | Same view from Sue's plane. |
Across the city, the limestone cliffs of Batu Caves. | A lot of haze (verey high humidity) but still beautiful. This is about 10am. Later in the day clouds will develop and visibility will worsen. |
Loose formation flight. Sue says "this is harder than it looks!" | Cool stuff on the rooftop | Looks like a mudslide happened here. | Lots of hilly terrain |
Ikea is everywhere. | Tower won't let us land yet. We orbit... | and orbit... |
Post-flight debrief. | A similar AAFC car brings fuel out to the planes (the regular fuel truck can be a 2-4 hour wait). | Andreas our awesome host. | Self-fueling. |
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