Other Wolber Family Pictures


The whole Wolber clan back in ? 1999 ? for Dad's 80th birthday party, recent additions include Bob, Kit, and Gabriel

FranKitAug00.jpg (484374 bytes) Fran and Kit got a ride in Sue's plane in Aug 2000, Kit voted it "ok".  That way, Sue still has room for improvement :-) GregFamily.jpg (213574 bytes)Gabriel2day.jpg (212588 bytes) Greg, Terri, Danielle and Bradley (before Gabriel), and Gabriel at 2 days old
IndyWaterClock.jpg (643770 bytes) The water clock in Indianapolis is pretty cool!  We were there not just to see the hour change, but also to see the noon 12-hour changeover, which is pretty impressive! Mom & Dad
SueFranAug00.jpg (441461 bytes) Sue and Fran Aug 2000, grainy.  Mom.jpg (108807 bytes)  Mom and some of the grandkids
AnnSarahEvan.jpg (53359 bytes) Annie, Sarah, Evan